Has anyone ever told you that all babies do is sleep, poop, and cry?
It’s true.
My 3 month portraits with Charlie proved two of the three above. I think we had a good 7 minutes of happy Charlie before he got upset and cried every time I pulled my camera out until he FINALLY fell asleep, which gave me some ADORABLE shots.
Although this handsome guy made it difficult to get awesome shots for most of our time together, the ones I was able to snag before he got camera shy are SO adorable! He is such a HANDSOME little guy! Caity and Brent are going to have their hands full as this little stud muffin grows up!
I just can’t get over how much DIFFERENT Charlie looks compared to his newborn pictures! He looks so grown! He has so many facial expressions! He has an opinion and lets it be heard! Even though he didn’t love me being there the whole time, I LOVED being with him the whole time! So much so that I ended up staying and talking to his mom for a good 30 minutes after I was done shooting until I finally got kicked out by big sister! 😉 I stole her bedroom for our photos because the light was so great in there, and she was ready to have her room back! Who can blame her?!
These little baby details just warm my heart. I could stare at little baby cheeks for DAYS.
Sweet Elin enjoyed reading her favorite book to her little brother. What a good sis!
Charlie finally fell asleep after much lovin’ from his mama.
Have you ever seen such a sweet sleepin’ baby? Gah! Makes my heart flutter! He is just SO sweet!
We of course had to have a little “big sister photo shoot”. Elin just LOVED seeing herself on the back of my camera, just like last time!
Enjoy bloopers below as well! Most of them involve Elin! She had big opinions about how long she was going to sit still and smile for a photo, and my window frame was SMALL! haha! At least it provided me with some pretty hilarious bloopers and a real snapshot at what it’s like to have a 3 month old and a toddler!