My sweet niece, Leah,
You are sweet, sassy, loving, kind, funny, helpful, perceptive, cunning, and smart. You’re a JOY to all who love you.
You are such a great big sister to Lexi and cousin to Hazel. I secretly love how you pester Hazel like you do Lexi, because it means you love her just as much as your sister. I know Hazel loves you like a sister too, because that’s what she calls you!
I love that we have a relationship that is trusting and close enough that you feel comfortable asking me awkward and sometimes inappropriate questions. I hope we continue to have a relationship where you feel like you can always tell me anything!
This last year has been so fun to watch you grow, but this year, as a 9 year old, we’ll have even MORE fun! I get to enjoy spending a whole year with you in 3rd grade, have you as my neighbor here in a couple of months, and see you live out your last year in the single digits!
I so enjoyed our time together taking your 9 year old portraits! She was having a blast being a “model”! I think she may have a future career ;).
My favorite picture of the WHOLE session! She is just SO big and SO beautiful!
This sweet face stole my heart 9 years ago, and hasn’t let go since.
I LOVE when a genuine smile comes through the camera!
The last reel is my favorite part. She kept making this face at the end, you could tell she was getting tired of “being a model”. I feel like it has so much meme potential!
I LOVE them all! And I LOVE that girl 💗💗💗
Me too!! 🙂
Oh my goodness this chicka is about the sweetest kiddo and it shows in her face. She has grown so fast and I still see that “baby” Leah in her little face. Where has time gone???
Right?! It’s amazing how she still looks like her baby self!! Time has FLOWN by!!