Again, I can’t believe that I have another baby who is already a quarter of a year old! 3 months goes by so fast! If you missed her fresh 48 pictures, you need to check them out here before going any further! It’s always so fun to see how much they change in such a short amount of time!
I really enjoy getting to be involved in Isla’s life. I love watching Jennifer be such a nurturing Mama to her baby. The way Jen’s face lights up when she is around Isla is so beautiful! I feel like her face depicts what every mom feels for their kids-endless love and joy! Once you get to the bottom, go check out her cousin’s 3 month pictures here, it’s crazy how different, but similar they look in some of these photos!
Doesn’t she just look like she should be on the cover of some mom magazine?!
Ugh, that face at the top. I think this may be my favorite picture of her!
Nope, it’s the one on the bottom here! Ah! I don’t know, she’s just so photogenic! How do you choose a favorite?! On another note, I have never seen a baby sustain tummy time so well! Isla is a champ!
Again, at three months old, your hands just taste SO good, amirite?
Tiny feet! But they are already so much bigger than just a short three months ago!
This sweet elephant represents her sweet brother, Grayson!