Did you see River’s 3 month portraits? If so, here is a behind the scenes look of the chaos that ensued beforehand. If not, go check it out here, you’ll notice that all these locations look similar…hmmm, wonder why…
My daughter tagged along with me and crashed just about every location in the house that we were trying to photograph from. She was determined to get her first photobomb this day. She had to try out every spot first, and then while we were taking pictures of the real star of the show. Poor Kelsey was having to switch between making her kid smile, and making my kid go away so she wouldn’t be in the frame!
Don’t worry, I don’t normally bring my kid along to my shoots. It’s just that Kelsey is my best friend, and River is Hazel’s best friend, so normal “work rules” go out the window when working with what is pretty much family! 😉
I did end up conceding and doing what the toddler wanted, because that’s what toddlers do, right? Run the show? So check out Hazel’s own photo shoot that crashed poor River’s photo shoot!
She was set on mimicking everything that River was doing. I feel like my kid is going to be a follower, not a leader. I guess I should start teaching her the importance of only following good leaders.
Seriously, playing with her feet at one and a half. She hasn’t done this since she started walking. Remember how I said she was a follower? If you look close you can see her eyes staring off to the left. She is literally staring at and copying River.
Sweet baby looks so innocent here. Only moments before she got in trouble for jumping on the bed that the model was laying on. Insert eye roll emoji here. She’s not two yet, why are we already hitting the terrible twos?
We finally got off the bed, but guess who is two feet to Hazel’s left? She really is so obsessed with her little bestie and I just love it!