The day documented below is one of the most exciting days of my life! It was the day my twin sister and brother in law signed a contract for their house to be build RIGHT DOWN THE STREET FROM US.
This is going to be so fun! Her youngest is only 3 months older than my daughter, they are literally going to be BEST friends! They can have sleep overs together whenever they want! They’ll all be like sisters instead of cousins! We can share meal responsibilities! If I don’t feel like cooking, we can all just go over to my sister’s house and vice versa!
Bekah and Mario have been working so hard for so long. I am so excited for them to finally get into a house that is their own! If anyone deserves it, it’s them!
My older niece, Leah is so excited to have her own room, but she’s already called dibs on the smallest one. Yes, the smallest one. Why? Because, it’s less to clean up!! I can’t make this stuff up. She is so sassy!
The happy family on their new patch of dirt!
Sweet Lexi just exploring in the dirt and rocks.
I am so excited for this girl to have the smallest room in the house. haha!
You bet cha we wasted a bottle of champagne!
Can’t wait to bring these new neighbors dinner when they move in! 🙂