You’re pregnant and expecting your baby! Yay! If you’re anything like me, your mind is whirling about what you need to buy to be ready. One of the things I was most excited to buy was coordinating outfits so that me and my new baby girl would match for all our pictures the first few […]


If you are a first time mama, you are probably wondering what kinds of things you need to be a successful nursing mom! I had no idea what I was getting into when I first became a mom! One thing that saved me was talking to friends who had done it, searching online for information […]


My number one tip for packing your hospital bag is to Marie Condo it. Basically, bring nothing. In fact, I think you can honestly get away with only bringing 10 things.   There are a ton of things you don’t need either, the hospital provides them, so why bother bringing them? For example, our hospital […]


As an expecting mother there are all kinds of unsolicited advice that you will get from friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers. My experience is that sometimes it is overwhelming, sometimes it is annoying, and sometimes it is warranted and welcomed. It always depended on how pregnant I was feeling that day. If I […]

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