As an expecting mother there are all kinds of unsolicited advice that you will get from friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers. My experience is that sometimes it is overwhelming, sometimes it is annoying, and sometimes it is warranted and welcomed. It always depended on how pregnant I was feeling that day. If I could though, I’d love to give you one piece of unwarranted, unsolicited advice for new moms, that I actually did and don’t regret one bit.
My best piece of advice for you will go against your instincts, but here it is: sit and do absolutely nothing. The only thing you need to be doing is getting comfy and snuggling with your new baby. There is only a 1-1 ½ month period that newborns sleep, eat, and poop. Take advantage of it!
Don’t do laundry.
Don’t cook dinner.
Don’t clean the house.
Just SIT.
I know what you’re thinking, but HOW?
I understand that this will go against the instincts of many women and I have some more unsolicited advice for you that I think you will like. Cause if you’re anything like me, you’re also a planner, and that’s the unsolicited advice.
This is how:
PLAN beforehand to sit and do nothing for the next month and a half so that you can do just that-sit and do nothing for the next month and half.
Do ALL your laundry before the baby comes. Also, plan to really break in your mom clothes. What that means is, wear the same clothes for 2-3 days without showering. You either have a look of pure disgust on your face right now, or you’re laughing (I hope you’re laughing). It doesn’t change the fact that wearing the same outfit for 3 days with no shower is your new life as a mom with a newborn. ENJOY IT and look at the positive, that’s less laundry you’ll have to do if you are wearing the same clothes 2 ½ days straight, allowing you to sit and do nothing but enjoy your baby for a good month.
Prep and freeze meals for a month. Then you don’t have to worry about getting off the couch to go to the grocery store with a newborn. You don’t have to worry about spending an hour cooking dinner, when you could be snuggling your newborn on your comfy couch. You also won’t have to take a break while cooking dinner to nurse the baby and then the food burns anyways. Being prepared with frozen dinners will save your life. Also, accept free food friends friends and family. Also, cash in those gift cards you have. Do whatever you can to maximize your time NOT cooking dinner.
Clean your house before the baby comes. I suggest hiring a company to come and deep clean your house right before you have the baby. Then you have a clean house to come home to. This one is probably the most difficult advice to follow, especially since the house WILL get dirty within a week and it is harder to ignore than dirty clothes. My advice on that, mind over matter sister. Tell yourself it is more important to snuggle your baby on the couch than it is to clean your house.
There is only a 1-1 ½ month period that newborns sleep, eat, and poop. Take advantage of it! This time period will go by SO fast! Your baby will stop wanting to snuggle before you know it. PLEASE, I beg of you! Ignore the things that are calling your name that need to be done around you! You won’t regret it! This is the one thing I promised myself I would do and I am SO glad I did. All those things were there for me after I was done snuggling my babe. And they’ll be there for you too!
I love connecting with other moms online, come hang out with me on Instagram for momspiration, momtog tips, and momhacks!