Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! Paxton was such a jewel! When I saw Paxton for her lifestyle newborn portraits, I couldn’t believe how much hair she had! She is so blessed, and as a 31 year old adult with fine hair, I envy what she’s got to work with.
Alicia and Doug are just about the cutest doting parents I have ever seen! Doug has totally embraced being a girl dad-it’s very evident and adorable! Alicia is already instilling her passion of soccer in Paxton, she has a little soccer ball in her bin of toys in her room ready to learn.
They were the most accommodating, letting me move their furniture all around in the living room so I could get Paxton in the perfect spot for photos. Shout out to Alicia for cleaning up the clutter. She texted me the night or two before asking where she needed to clean. I told her not to worry, I would make myself at home and move stuff around if I needed to, but when I got there, her house was pretty much spotless. You guys should see what my house looks like after having a newborn. I don’t know how people do it, because my house looks like a bomb went off.
As I took these photos, I just yearned to have another little girl. I love my son, but his clothes are just not near as cute. There are no fun bows to accessorize and outfit. I miss the days when my daughter would let me pick out her clothes. Now she has a weird style of her own that includes striped leggings and polka dot shirts with a puppy dog on the front. Maybe one day I’ll be able to talk Zach into another one and I’ll get lucky enough to have another girl. 😉
Doug, Alicia, I can’t wait to see how Paxton grows over the next year. CHERISH these days. The next year of your life is going to go by SO fast and your baby will change SO much as each month passes. Take a thousand photos and videos. You won’t regret it!
I mean, is that not the cutest little sleeping baby you’ve ever seen? Peep that adorable bow! PRECIOUS.
Those little baby details. Sweet, sweet little face.
Now laugh at what real life looks like with a newborn when you are trying to get those precious photos.
Our attempts at trying to get a good family photo with the dogs still makes me laugh.