Wowzers! A whole year, and more, has passed since sweet Bria was born! It feels like yesterday that I was taking her fresh 48 portraits + newborn portraits. This past weekend we were finally able to get together for her one year portraits. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly babies change in a year. Just click here to see what she looked like hours after being born!
Mamas who document each milestone are smart! I feel like so many things falls on the shoulders of mom. We wear so many hats. One of which is being the historian of the family. Creating a family legacy is something I take so seriously! I’ve recently been trying to take little clips of videos each day and stitch them all together to make a little home video of our shenanigans each month. I think it’s something we will all look back on and appreciate one day!
I encourage you, if you aren’t making an effort to try to document each stage of life-DO IT. You won’t regret it! It’s especially important to get pictures of YOURSELF with your babies! We all know dads could do a better job at this!
Even if you have a toddler who is hard to wrangle. Just ask Jen! Big sister Isla was NOT in a mood to get pictures taken. At first she was a little goofy and being silly. Towards the end she was sulky and DONE. Even so, we STILL got some great shots! When Jen looks back at these photos years from now, I guarantee she won’t be remembering how stressful it was trying to get her kids to cooperate, she’ll look back with fondness and appreciation for herself for getting this sweet season of life documented in a beautiful way!
Aren’t her eyes just BEAUTIFUL?!
I mean, are you even a one year little girl if you don’t enjoy pulling out your bows?
These flowers came in clutch this session-for both of the girls!
I know this shoot was all about little sister, but I couldn’t help but get some good ones in with big sis, too!
This is how we knew it was the end of our shoot. But come on! These are the SWEETEST pictures! Personally, I”m glad they pooped out, Jen would have never gotten these sweet moments in time. I just love how they are doing the same thing when they are tired, head rested on mama’s shoulder and fingers in their mouth.
And now, ladies and gentlemen. The many, many bloopers thanks mostly in part to Isla being silly and Bria blinking. Enjoy!