Ever meet a person you admire because you think they are crazy? That’s how I feel about Kelsie. I admire her because she is crazy enough to wait until their baby gets here to find out what it is. I could NEVER do that! I also admire her because she is an awesome mom and wife and somehow keeps her house together and the chickens fed, and the horses fed, and the weeds picked, and….did I mention they live on a farm? I had so much fun taking, what I like to call, Kelsie’s Farmhouse Maternity Portraits. Why you ask? Well, because they took place in their favorite spot-home! Which includes a back pasture full of cows!
I’m super excited to find out if this baby is a girl or a boy. What is its name going to be? Will it have hair or not or be bald?! No matter what the answer is to any of these questions, this baby’s newborn portraits are going to be amazing because their house is amazing!
You can see from some of these pictures that they have a shiplap wall against this bed with all this beautiful light coming in from the back. The nursery is an amazing neutral space of shades of whites and creams depicting farm life. I can’t wait to photograph this nursery and share it for some inspiration for my farm lovin’ mamas!
Anyways, check out this adorable family and this beautiful mom to be! Not too much longer and they will be a happy family of four!
I of course had to do a little Caroline shoot, please enjoy her cuteness below!
She is super excited to be a big sister!
Jesse wanted to get a shot with the horses so bad, it didn’t really work out, but I had to include them in the blooper reel.