9 months old means growing teeth since the last time I saw you at your 6 month portraits! ISLA HAS SO MANY TEETH! It’s hard to believe that 3 months of time makes a baby look SO different! I can’t believe how big Isla looks with all of these teeth! Just go look at her 6 month pictures and see what I mean!
Isla has not only gained many teeth, she has mastered the art of crawling. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is walking by the time I see her at her 1 year portraits.
I hate trendy sayings, but the following is TRUE-BABIES DON’T KEEP! That’s why I am always so honored to take these milestone photos for parents. Documenting their first year of life is SO important! Make the investment to get photos for your baby’s first year of life, you won’t regret it, I promise!
Isla, you are a joy. I pray that you grow to have your daddy’s spunk and your mama’s sweetness!
Literally, probably my favorite photo from this session. I just LOVE the way her little hands are held together at her chest.
MAN, this is a close favorite for second.
Just may be my FAVORITE blooper to date. hahaha Oh man, this one had me rolling seconds after it happened, I knew it would be gold!
The variety of faces this girl can make!
Mom and dad look great, if I could just get Isla’s attention! haha!
I can always count on some good shot with blinking eyes.