Kamryn is everything a little two year old girl is thought to be.
She is sassy, sweet, and dainty. She is sugar and spice and everything nice. She is cupcakes and rainbows. Kamryn is unicorns and sprinkles. She is glitter and squeals. She is bows and tutus.
This two year old is also already a girl who likes her sleep. Who knows how to wear her hand on her hip at the youngest age I have ever seen.
The session her mom, Kristin, asked me to do for her 2nd birthday was so fun! We did it at Chestnut Square in McKinney, Texas-which I loved!
Poor Kamryn. With long summer days, “golden hour” is from 7:30-8:30ish. If I’m remembering right, Kristin puts Kamryn to bed around 7, sometimes 6-6:30!
I’m astounded and feel like I need to take mothering classes from her! This summer I have really let the schedules slide out the door so I can get some late sleep in the mornings since I’m off from teaching for the summer. I have been letting Hazel stay up til like 9 most nights! I should really reconsider this because I feel like I never get a break!
Either way, this session was literally past Kamryn’s bedtime. It was so funny because looking through all these pictures, you can tell.
Kamryn gave me such a run for my money. I tried everything in the book to make her laugh and the only thing that was successful was a small window of time playing hide and seek with a door! Kristin and I both determined that we should have had her older brother tag along to make fart noises so we could get some more of her peppy, sweet personality to shine through in these photos!
Like I said, I had a hard time getting her to smile at the camera for me.
Looking back, I think I’ve determined it is because she has a serious career future as a model for GQ.
All of these photos she is either running away from me, getting a great shot of the back of her adorable dress, or a straight, serious face.
Next time we are going to meet a tad earlier, even if we have to sacrifice some of that dreamy light to get some smiles out of her, because that is who she really is-a fun, smiley little girl!
Like, look at that model stance, and what did I tell you? The hand on the hip! This is most certainly her signature pose!
The following photos, I like to think of as her GQ series. I really need to convince her mom to have Kamryn be a little model! Can’t you see her in an ad for some children’s boutique?!
What is that? I also need to take mothering classes how how to get my kid to have beautiful, perfect hair like that. And check out that over the shoulder look. I’m tellin’ you, GQ model!
Some more evidence that she is a girl who likes to put her hand on her hip!
Since little ones, especially little ones who should be in bed, are not quite themselves, I got the unique opportunity to photograph Kamryn just exploring, which is really what 2 year olds are all about!
I quickly discovered she was obsessed with doors! At the location we were at, there were all these old buildings that have been preserved and she had the best time running up to all of the doors and knocking, jiggling the handle, and putting her ear up against it to see if anyone was coming!
The door is how I did get a couple of really great smiles from her! We started to play hide and seek behind this screen door and she had the best time “peeking” out of it to show us her face! It also provided for a couple of really great bloopers, too. Be sure to read to the end to see them!
Also, can we just appreciate how perfect her eyebrows are as a two year old? I feel like this is what trendy girls are trying to draw on their faces now-a-days, and this two year is rockin’ it-naturally!
She also loves dancing! She was singing some song that was great to herself in these little photos!
Poor thing. Way. Past. Her. Bedtime. But being a trooper about it! I could only WISH to look that adorable when I am tried!
This was getting toward the end of our session. She literally stuck her hand out at a me and said “No, Meghan, Stop”. Yikes! I literally almost did! She said it with such authority! She’s gonna be a great leader one day! 😉
As any of you following my work know, I LOVE the bloopers. BUT, what I REALLY loved about this session is that it provided me with quite a few photos that I feel like would be some pretty hilarious memes if I had the right captions for them. PLEASE, if you have any great ideas for some captions on the photos below, please comment, DM me, or email me and let me know! I’ll put numbers with each photo so I can tell which caption goes with which photo! I’d love a good laugh!
Photo one                                            Photo twoÂ
Photo One: OMG, I told you three times, I don’t know what I want to eat for dinner!
Photo two: Seriously? How many times do I have to tell you, the toilet paper goes UNDER.
Photo three
Photo three: Umm, excuse me, I was in line for the candy first.
Kamryn, I can’t wait to see what kind of three year old you are! I can already tell that you are going to be the level headed friend of the group who calms everyone down and makes them feel loved and special! Your perfect hair and adorable outfits match your perfect, adorable personality! I can’t wait to see how you blossom into a beautiful young lady one day! (Actually, I can-stop growing already!)