Men and women, listen up! Have you ever wondered what it takes to have a marriage that lasts 30 years when many couples today are on marriage number 3 after 30 years of adult living? I’ve got the secret to achieving a 30 year anniversary! To name just a few;
-Be loyal
-Be supportive
-Be fun together
-Be appreciative
How do I know? Because, I got to watch my parents have a marriage last this long! It was such an honor to have this special 30th anniversary shoot! Especially if you know their story!
Like every couple, my parents marriage has not always been easy. I’ve witnessed my parents go through many trials through the years, but one thing that has always stood out to me, especially the past couple of years, is that one of the most important things to do is to show unwavering support for your spouse. Sometimes this is emotional support, sometimes it’s financial support, sometimes it’s even physical support.
July 30th marks 2 years that my dad almost died. My parents made it to year 28 before they got to the most difficult years of their lives. This was the day my dad got hit by a car while riding his motorcycle. He was careflighted to Parkland Hospital in Dallas. We had no idea what kind of shape he was in as we all raced to the hospital. That was the beginning of a very long journey for our family. Recovery took months. He went through multiple surgeries and hours of therapies and rehab. He lived in hospitals and rehabs for MONTHS before being able to come home. He even lost his job before he was finished with recovery.
*If you’re interested in his recovery, you can see the video I made for his “Glad to be Alive Party” we had on his 1 year anniversary of his accident. It shows his journey to recovery!*
My mom did not spend ONE NIGHT away from him as he was on his journey. She spent her nights in an uncomfortable hospital chair at Parkland, Baylor Rehabilitation, and Pate Rehabilitation. for MONTHS. This woman is the most selfless, nurturing, supportive lady I have ever met and this accident showed me that times 989787897.
Through it all, I have learned what it means to show unwavering support. I have seen my mom in particular live out her vows of being there for him in sickness and health, and although my parents have never been rich, they are now learning how to be married poor haha. *Shameless plug, if you know of a job opportunity for my dad, email me at He has YEARS of experience as a project manager. He’s wicked smart, personable, and great at delegating and managing people, money, and tasks*
My mom had the opportunity to stay at home with all of us kids as we grew up, all those years my dad was supporting us all financially. Over the last two years though I’ve got to watch my mom support him emotionally, and even physically as he was learning how to walk again.
My gift to them this year was this photoshoot. I just love the way these photos turned out. They really capture the joy they still have in their marriage despite everything that they have been through these last 30 years (particularly the last 2 years). Even though these photos are going to freeze this moment in time for them to look back on with joy forever, the gift my dad gave my mom was even sweeter. Take note men, this is how you win your girl over. He wrote her a letter detailing the most memorable events in their lives together from EACH YEAR that they were married! It was the SWEETEST thing I’ve ever read. Great job, Dad!
Our Time Together
Enjoy the bloopers below of my favorite “mess ups”!
Happy anniversary Mom and Dad! Thanks for the example you are to me and Zach! Thank you for letting me capture this precious time in your lives! I love you guys so much and wish you 30+ more years of happy marriage!
You made me cry! Thank you for your sweet words and for these awesome pictures! Mama loves you very much 😘
Aww! I love you Mama!! So glad you enjoyed your special post!
These are so sweet! Great job capturing their personalities and love! Here’s to 30 more!
Thank you! I agree, they deserve 30 years more!
Those are beautiful photos of a beautiful couple.
Thank you Roma!
I love every single one of them!!! The definition of commitment!!! I am blessed to know you and love seeing you guys enjoying each other
Thank you Connie! They ARE the definition of commitment!
No back story is necessary to see the fun loving, tender relationship these two share. Even the BLOOPERS are evidence of the rare love they share. Beautiful pictures Meghan Holden what a gift you have and are able to share with your parents.
Thanks, Ann Nickerson!! These are such kind words!