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Dedicated to capturing the first year of life for the sentimental mama while providing momspiration and momtog tips!

McKinney, TX Family Portraits–Carlan, Jeff, Avery, & Aidan

Family Portraits

I’ve been working with Carlan for a few years. I’ve learned so much about how to be a teacher from her! What I’ve always admired about Carlan is how she treats her students. I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with some of her family in bits and pieces, but never all together. After seeing her with her kids for an extended period of time, I have seen first hand what I have always known, that she treats her students at school the same way she would treat her own kids! It’s only natural since she truly cares about her students and their success as an adult in the real world, just as she wants to see her own personal kids succeed in life.


You may recognize Avery’s beautiful face from her senior portraits. It was so fun to see her interact with her family. At one point her and Aidan walked off and when they came back they were goofing off. It was so cute! I felt like soaking in these precious memories for them! It’s so sad and exciting that she’ll be gone from her family in a few short weeks. I know they’ll be feeling like a hole is left in the house for a while.












I have always crowned my niece, Leah, the queen of bloopers, but I think Aidan has debunked her. I laughed so hard several times when I was culling these images. I literally could not believe how many of them were “messed up” because Aidan was making a funny face, or even not facing the camera! I still managed to get one good one from each frame though! Good thing I take a zillion pictures with each pose! 😉


I kid you not, there were more than this before I got to the one where everyone was looking and smiling! These were just my favorites!



Thanks so much for letting me photograph this time in ya’ll’s life, Carlan! I had so much fun! It makes me look forward to when my kiddo is older so I can joke around and banter with her!

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  1. Mary Ann Nowak says:

    This beautiful family is part of my family. We are the New York part. I love them all very much. Thank you for sharing these amazing photos. Just beautiful!!

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