When Stormie asked me to take pictures of her sweet family at the Ronald McDonald house, I was so excited! This place is a second home to a lot of families, including theirs. To have the chance to take pictures of the happy memories they make while they are here really gave my heart joy, because a lot of times, the memories in this house can be difficult, tiring, and lonesome.
Their Story
Stormie is a person I have grown to admire quickly! Ever since getting pregnant, it seems like things have not been going their way! She had a complicated pregnancy that ended in premature delivery, leaving both boys in the nicu for a very long time. Oliver was able to come home sooner than Jensen, which was difficult too. Can you imagine having to leave one baby at the hospital to take care of the other baby at home?
They worried for months about Jensen’s development and even though they live in east Texas, they had to spend a lot of time in Dallas while Jensen was at Children’s. During this time they were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald house. Stormie is such a sweet and easy to get a long with person. She’s also the kind of person that even though her own babies are going through so much, she is always supporting and encouraging other families at the Ronald McDonald house. It isn’t uncommon to see her sharing a facebook status asking for prayers for some other sweet little baby at the Ronald McDonald house. It’s no surprise that she has made many friendships there making this place really became special to her-and it IS special place!
Since being able to go back to east Texas they have had to move multiple times (they’re in the middle of a move right now actually-while they are staying at the Ronald McDonald house!), Stormie has been in car wrecks that left her with no easy mode of transportation, she’s had health scares of her own the left her unable to take care of the boys easily, her grandma was diagnosed with cancer, she’s continued to care for the boys with grace and humility all while having a crazy amount of faith in God’s plans!
Seeing her share her life on social media is a life I enjoy seeing! It’s often so tempting to pretend like life is so perfect on social media, Stormie is not like that. She faces each obstacle with grace and a positive attitude. She shares the good, bad, and the ugly and when sharing the ugly, she shows how to deal with life’s “ugly” with a positive attitude.
Most recently they’ve had to uproot their life and live once again at the Ronald McDonald house so that Jensen can go through a program to help him learn to eat food. He has severe oral aversion which has left him on a feeding tube to get his nutrients.
It was so neat to see how awesome of a place the Ronald McDonald house is up close and personal. There is a huge dining area where volunteers come in and feed the patients and their families each night, a big play room with all kinds of fun toys, a big ol’ library, a playground, and little beautiful outdoor areas that are great for kids to run around or parents to relax.
Our time together
Being a twin myself, I was super proud to be able to tell these boys apart in person! In pictures they look SO MUCH alike! They are adorable and were just a joy to be with!
Playing a little hide and seek!
Can’t you just hear these boys laughing through the photos?
She makes being a twin mom (and a mom of babies with special needs) look EASY! She SERIOUSLY deserves Mom of the Year award!