I have anticipated doing sweet Emery’s lifestyle newborn portraits for weeks now! She was such a stinker giving her mom contractions for weeks before finally coming! What a tease! Here’s to hoping she’s just as hard to get when it comes to dating 😉
It was so sweet seeing this family of four together finally! Covid has made things so different for expecting families and something that doesn’t get talked about enough is the exclusion of big siblings.
In a way I think there I something nice about not having visitors in the hospital, but on the other hand, it’s SO hard to big siblings who just don’t understand why they can’t be with their family at all or see them. I know that Easton was so ready to have everyone home and it was so great to see him step into the big brother role. He was preoccupied playing when I first arrived, but quickly became super interested in being my main subject long before Emery was even ready for her turn. I enjoyed giving him that special attention!
Kayla is still working on Emery’s nursery, but I can’t wait to see it all together. The color scheme is muted and calming and evident even in Emery’s clothing. It’s going to be the cutest!
See how cute baby Emery is below!