Caroline is the sweetest, spunkiest, most independent little “woman” I have ever met! It’s going to be fun to see what kind of adult she grows into! I just KNOW that she is going to lead huge packs of people toward something great and empowering!
I always love going out to the Tunnel’s little farm in the country! Kelsie and Jesse bought a piece of land about year ago now with acreage, a beautiful home, two horses, and some cows! They are living the dream my husband wishes he could have! Maybe one day we’ll get to be their neighbors, because I sure have grown accustomed to the starry, peaceful nights out in the country from our visits! I love visiting their home, as well as my in laws home who is right down the street from them.
I am so excited to see how this big personality is going to be as a big sister! Kelsie and Jesse are expecting their second baby this summer and I can’t WAIT! I can’t wait to see if it is a boy or a girl. I can’t wait to see what Caroline is going to be like as a big sister. I can’t wait to say “welcome” to a sweet new baby! I especially can’t wait to be the new baby’s newborn photographer and capture these sweet memories for Kelsie and Jesse!
Our families have grown quite close over the past couple of years and so of course, I had to bring Hazel along to Caroline’s 3 year old portrait session. The girls were so excited to see each other and seemed to be so excited that Carline wore herself out and needed to go to bed early. It was impossible to get any photos of her by herself, she had to be attached to Kelsie’s hip the whole time. I was able to snap a few photos before she completely lost interest in me and my camera and fell asleep leaving Hazel all of her toys. Hazel was sad and excited at the same time. Excited that she had all of Caroline’s toys to herself, but also sad that she didn’t have Caroline to play with!
Caroline, I can’t wait to see how you grow and change in year 3! I already can’t believe how much you have grown since the last time I took your pictures! This is going to be the most exciting year of your little life as you embark on becoming a big sister!! <3
Girlfriend gave my shutter a run for my money
Shutter count: 546
Deliverable Photos: 35 (may be a record low—no doubt most of these are probably bloopers!)
Caroline was a SERIOUS mama’s girl the night of our session! That was the ONLY time she would smile! don’t let these photos fool you!
The ONLY GREAT photos I was able to get of JUST Caroline, and if you look close, you’ll see that she is actually in her mom’s lap! haha! Sometimes the toddlers act just like the newborns!
Without a doubt, my FAVORITE from the session!
They were plentiful!
Very easily my favorite bloopers from the session! That face is just SO full of emotion!