It was a dreary, very cold spring day when we did the Begley’s family portraits at Arbor Hills nature preserve in Plano, Texas. This was the first scheduled outdoor shoot I hadn’t had to reschedule due to rain in quite some time, so I was bummed that it was so windy and cloudy, but the images turned out AMAZING!
First of all, they were dressed amazing! I loved the boys’ bright colors and Kayla’s long flowing dress! Second they were so fun! I enjoyed every second of our time together! I was laughing nearly the whole time! Third, I’m obsessed with this location. I’ve never been here before and I LOVED it! It’s huge, it’s beautiful, and it’s quiet! I’m pretty much suggesting to any client who doesn’t already have a place in mind to come here from now on! It’s amazing!
Something I just really admire about Kayla and Brandon is that they are raising a little gentleman. After taking pictures for a while, Easton needed a little break and do you know what he decided to do?! Pick flowers for his mom!! He spent like 5 solid minutes picking a flower, running it over to her, giving her a hug and a kiss, and then going to get another flower to start the process all over again! The photos I snapped while he was doing this are probably some of my favorites because it documents such a sweet moment!
At some point he started eating fruit snacks while I was taking pictures of just Kayla and Brandon and he finished his snack. I don’t know why it made such an impression on me but I LOVED that Brandon made him put the trash in his little pocket so he could throw it away later. Parenting really does start at such a young age. Being consistent is what will yield responsible, caring adults. I know Easton is going to be a wonderful leader one day! Kayla and Brandon, you are doing an amazing job with Easton! Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks for being so fun! I hope you cherish these photos forever!
Shutter count: 1,123
Deliverable photos: 165
We had to take a break for Easton to go pick flowers for his mama!
You two are adorable. I love seeing you laugh at each other. Keep the love alive, friends! <3 You inspire me!
Your poses shots are so beautiful but I really REALLY like the unplanned, natural interaction photos you get with people!! I love allll the Begley photos! Love the Begleys too!! ❤️
Thank you!! <3 I love the unplanned, more candid shots too! I love the Begleys too, they are amazing!
Beautiful family. Thank you for sharing
Terri urban
They ARE a beautiful family! Thanks for taking the time to comment! <3