The Pendergrass kids are the sweetest, most adorable, beautiful children!
Oh my gosh! They melted my heart! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I always thought I would be a boy mom, and then I had a girl. I’ve most recently been thinking that, NOW, I want to be a girl mom. They are so fun and easy to entertain. I can paint their nails, have dance parties, and play dress up. I’ll have a gal pal for life. I envision me and Hazel sitting down to a glass of wine when she’s older and her calling me on the phone asking me where to find tortillas at the grocery store because she can’t find them. How fun to have TWO or THREE?! How fun to watch them grow up and have such a special relationship….BUT
The Pendergrass kids changed my mind! Oh my goodness! They were so sweet! SO adorable! Liam is SUCH good big brother! He was such a good example to Laikyn! He was helping me make sure she did what I needed her to do. He would go first and show her how it was done. He stood behind me and made funny faces so I could get a genuine laugh from her. He took such good care of her and was careful with his sweet dainty sister! I can just TELL that he is going to be the BEST big brother and protector as she gets older! Laikyn was sassy and sweet and bubbly-just a blast!
It’s so amazing how God makes men and women different and how those beautiful differences are seen at such a young age. I’ve always seen these differences at various capacities as an elementary teacher, but seeing these SIBLINGS together just showed me a different side of those differences and how beautiful they are! I love and appreciate those differences so much and now I want one of each!
So thanks a lot, Kiani, now, I have to have FOUR kids to get everything I want! 😉
This shoot was so much fun and my shutter count was at 984 by the end of our time and the final editable amount was 128.

This cute little girl! Every time I asked her to laugh she’d make this cute little face! and every time I asked her to “giggle” she would start dancing! It took me forever to figure out that she thought I was saying to “wiggle”