I’m so excited! This sweet friend of mine has been a friend since middle school! We pretty much grew up together, so this was one of the most exciting births to happen in my adult life!
I anticipated the birth of River Ryan for months and months. I had been dying for Kelsey to get pregnant since I found I was pregnant with my daughter about a year before she found out. Her husband, Ryan, also long time friend, and her finally decided to try to have a baby when Hazel (my daughter) was a few months old, making them about a year and a quarter apart. As soon as we found out it was a girl, we jumped for joy together! Literally. They did a gender reveal with gun powder, so Ryan was yards and yards away from us. As soon as the pink powder billowed up, Kelsey and I jumped and jumped for joy! We would all 4 be best friends! We have it all planned out! When the girls get older, we are going on yearly girl trips and I can’t wait for the day when the four of us can gab over glasses of wine! 🙂
As River’s due date came and went, we were on edge, always by our phone waiting for the call. Finally, around 8 o clock at night, when in the shower, my phone started to ring. I yelled at my husband who was on the other side of the house to “HURRY GET IN HERE!!” I’ve never witnessed him run so fast at my beckon call before. He answered the phone and the most glorious song was playing- “Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears. This was so special to me that it literally brought tears to my eyes. Not because my best friend was having her first baby, but because she’s such a thoughtful friend that she crafted such a perfect announcement for me to tell me her water broke. I am a huge Britney fan. I think she’s so beautiful and talented. I wish we were friends in real life.
The next day I got to meet sweet River, the tiniest little thing! I only got to take a couple photos, cause that’s what happens when you also bring your one year old with you to meet the sweetest addition to your family. Check out the adorable, adorable pictures below!