Bria, Bria, Bria. Thank you, sweet girl, for making my laugh my head off while culling and editing your lifestyle 3 month portraits. You are hilarious. I think this may be a first time there were more bloopers than framers. I actually really love that.
I love that Bria’s personality is coming out so vividly in these bloopers though. I can already tell that she is a wonderful mix between her mom and her dad. She definitely has a silly side with all of the silly faces she was making the WHOLE time. On the other hand, she’s SO quiet, calm and sweet, just like her mom!
I love seeing how Bria has grown from her newborn and fresh 48 photos! They grow SO fast the first few days, weeks, and months of life! I have also loved seeing how their family has grown from just Brandon and Jen, to Brandon and Jen and Isla, to Brandon, Jen, Isla and Bria! They seem to have balanced it all so well, Jen stepping into mom of two so selflessly and patiently, Brandon helping out keeping Isla entertained while Jen takes care of a needy newborn!
The way they have just stepped into these roles are evident in these images, the beautiful chaos that you just have to embrace!
Check it out below!
This one cracks me up-true life of a mom of 2 under 2, running in circles around you!