Okay friends, I am officially obsessed with Arbor Hills in Plano Texas! I will do every single session here from here on out! It is so beautiful, especially in the spring time! The Welch family portraits were no different! We did have to pick some weeds when we got to the first location because it had grown SO much since the previous weekend with all the rain! In case you didn’t know, that provides serious entertainment! The kids (Dalton) were loving picking them when I was busy with Tara and Brody! Fingers crossed it transfers over at home and you don’t have to do as much yard work! haha!
Tara, Brody, Lillian, Dalton, and Peyton are such a busy family and I loved spending the evening with them getting to know them! I thought I had a busy day taking my kid to two birthday parties, their’s was WAY busier! They had two ball games for two different kids, showered and got to Plano for our pictures! Whew! I’m tired for them!
These children are truly the most endearing! Lilian was my little buddy the whole time. She kept me company on the hikes asking questions and chatting with me. As an elementary teacher, I am super impressed with her ability to carry on a genuine conversation with an adult, WHILE HOLDING EYE CONTACT!! Good job, Mom and Dad!
Dalton is an adorable BOY! He has a fun loving personality and had a hard time maintaining a smile for the camera until Brody told him, “The faster you smile the faster we get out of here and get to go home”. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a kid smile so genuinely and quickly before! haha!
Peyton is a spit fire. I love everything about her! Her hair!! I am a SUCKER for red heads, especially with curly hair, and she has red, CURLY hair! Her personality reminded me of my niece, Lexi! She is so full of life and spunk!
Tara and Brody, enjoy those sweet kids! I hope that these photos are something you can hang onto and remember the sweet stage your kids are in and the relationship they have with one another!
I LOVE this one! Dalton’s face is like, “Ugh! I’m stuck with a bunch of girls!” lol