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Dedicated to capturing the first year of life for the sentimental mama while providing momspiration and momtog tips!

Lucas’ Three Month Lifestyle Portratis-McKinney, Texas


Have you ever met a baby that was ALWAYS happy and content?! I’m not sure I ever have until this past weekend when I went to go do Lucas’ three month lifestyle portraits at their adorable home in McKinney, Texas. We had planned for me to come over after his nap time, but he didn’t nap well! When Taylor texted me to say that he woke up after only 30 mins, I wasn’t sure how our shoot was going to go, but he was SO content!

Taylor, Colby, and Lucas are seriously, THE CUTEST family I have ever seen in my life! They are SO sweet and loving and I just really, really enjoyed spending my Saturday afternoon with them to take these photos! It was a cloudy and kind of dreary day outside, but it was so warm and bright on the inside of their home with the obvious love they have for each other and the joy that just exudes from their family! It’s no wonder Lucas is such a happy baby, because his parents are just a joy to be around!

Taylor and Colby, I so enjoyed getting to know you guys last weekend! I’m so excited to continue documenting Lucas as he grows in his first year in life! I LOVE that you see the importance of documenting his first year of life. You won’t regret it! Babies change SO much and SO quickly this first year! You are going to be so glad that you have these to look back on!

Some of my favorites are below!

Shutter count: 876
Deliverable photos: 89


McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

I’m just gonna start this post with this adorable picture with SO MUCH PERSONALITY!
McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

We succeeded in getting a framer!!
McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

Those little hands and feet melt my heart!
McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

I LOVE WHEN PARENTS READ TO THEIR KIDS! As an elementary ELA teacher, I am telling you, it is so important to start LITTLE! Cultivate a love of reading with your baby from the very beginning! It will pave the way for success!


As always, the blooper reel is my favorite, please enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚
McKinney, Texas Newborn Photographer

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  1. Brenda says:

    These are all so priceless! He is so adorable and I canโ€™t wait to meet him!

  2. Suzy Woods says:

    You captured precious Lucas perfectly! I LOVE all these pictures! Priceless!

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