The McKee family portraits are here!
I met Caity and her parents at our church here in McKinney, Texas a few years ago and it has been so sweet getting to know them! Although I met half of Caity’s family on the day of our shoot, I felt like I knew them longer because they are all so sweet and welcoming!
Per the norm, the kids were my favorite! They were sweet, funny, and sassy! I love that they are so close in age. It is going to be so fun growing up together! That was something I wished I had with my own cousins-we lived hours from each other!
Enjoy these photos, family! I hope they are pictures that you look back on with fond memories and joy of this time in your lives when you got to watch your kids be parents, and your grandchildren as they are little! I pray that your family has many more years of happiness and laughter together with more babies and more love to go around than you know what to do with!
The proud grandparents with their grandkids!