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Skylar’s Kindergarten Portraits–Downtown McKinney

Child Portraits

Since I am a teacher, I hold a special place in my heart for back to school portraits, but especially kindergarten portraits. I almost feel like they should be a thing, like senior portraits are! Going into Kindergarten is such a HUGE milestone for kids, it needs to be documented! I am so glad that Kristin thinks so too! I enjoyed my time with Skylar so much! He was excited too, he even brought his own toy camera to our shoot, how CUTE is that?!

I REALLY wanted to take these portraits outside his school, however, he is going to a brand new school this year and it wasn’t finished yet! It still needed landscaping AND the playground! They are going to have to work super fast to get it all done! Since we couldn’t do it at his new school, we settled for an ally way in downtown McKinney for some cool shots by the brick wall.

Skylar is so ready for kinder. I was giving him all kinds of tests throughout our session, and honestly, he can probably just skip it and move onto first grade because he can already count, do the abcs, sit criss cross apple sauce, and put a bubble in his mouth!

JUST kidding, I know first hand there’s a whole lot more learning going on than just that in Kindergarten, but it was fun to pump him up with confidence before his big day!

Our Time Together

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UGH. His freckles! I love them!!
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Doesn’t he just look like he could be a kid model for Pottery Barn Kids?

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His mischievous grin here KILLS me! He’s gonna be a heartbreaker to those little girls!

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This shoot provided many bloopers. His favorite thing to do was to make fart noises and stick his tongue out, just like every other 5 year old boy.

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That bottom left one was when I asked him if he was ready for Kindergarten! haha! I’m not sure if he knows! 😉

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The tongue bloopers-doesn’t that photo on the right look like it’s the end of the first day of school?!

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Oh my gosh! That face! Too cute to get in trouble!!

Skylar, I pray that you have a wonderful year this year at your brand new school! I hope you make lots of friends, learn lots of new things, and that you shine the light of Jesus to those around you! Always remember that you CAN do hard things! (Mama, remember that too!)

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  1. Debbie Conner says:

    These pictures are amazing!!! You really were able to bring out the personality of our wonderful little guy!!!

  2. These pictures are amazing!! I love every one of them!!Thanks so much for bringing out the personality of our wonderful, Skylar!!!

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