I can’t believe that my daughter is a year and a half old.
She is starting to talk and be sassy and it’s hilarious. I of course had to do a little photo shoot to document this mile stone.
For your viewing pleasure I have included bloopers. Social Media can be deceiving. Most people only seem to post the picture perfect photos, myself included. So here I am to serve you a dose of reality. When photographing young kids and babies, I take HUNDREDS of pictures, for only about 50 of them to come out decent. There are so many bloopers embedded in my SD card. below are some cute picture perfect photos, but also a blooper reel. 🙂
“Hazel, Hazel, Hazel, look right here, look at mommy! No, don’t eat the dirt, gross!”
I am saving that top left photo for Senior Sunday.
LOL that look on her face as she is trying to hand me a rock instead of laugh at my joke or smile at me.
THERE we go! I must have said something funny finally.
She’s grown so much in the span of a year and a half. I can’t stand to imagine what she’s going to be like another year and a half from now.