Sweet baby smiles. Sweet baby smell. Sweet baby breath. Sweet baby cuddles. Sweet, sweet baby. I LOVED getting to seeing this little guy for his newborn photos following our fresh 48 session! I can’t believe how much his little facial features have already matured! The ways little babies change so quickly never ceases to amaze […]
I remember when I first met Taylor like 3 or 4 years ago. She was just hired on as a teacher at the elementary school I work at. At the time she had just moved to the area with her boyfriend and beloved dog, had just graduated, and was excited to start a career teaching. […]
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! Paxton was such a jewel! When I saw Paxton for her lifestyle newborn portraits, I couldn’t believe how much hair she had! She is so blessed, and as a 31 year old adult with fine hair, I envy what she’s got to work with. Alicia and Doug are just about […]
Wowzers! A whole year, and more, has passed since sweet Bria was born! It feels like yesterday that I was taking her fresh 48 portraits + newborn portraits. This past weekend we were finally able to get together for her one year portraits. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly babies change in a […]
Hi Mama! If you’ve landed on this page, it’s because you are interested in learning how to take your own in home lifestyle newborn portraits. As a professional photographer, I think it’s always worth it to hire a professional photographer to capture these memories for you. I believe this for so many reasons, the most […]
I love the Begley family. I love taking their family portraits. They are some of the most photogenic people I’ve ever met and their kid is adorable too! When we did portraits last time, it was this time last year. We went to Arbor Hills. Click here to see how much Easton has grown! It […]
One of my favorite things to photograph at a newborn session is the nursery. I love seeing how moms decorate the nursery. I am especially drawn to nurseries like Ella’s. They are light and airy, feminine and pretty. It just makes you want to spend all your time in there! Her floral nursery is the […]