Gender Neutral Nursery

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I LOVE a room that can transition with baby into their toddler years, young childhood, preteen, and teen years. It’s so economically smart and brings me joy as a grown adult. I love what Kelsey did with Shade’s room even more. What I love even more […]


Llama Nursery

Llamas. Have you ever been drawn to trendy things but don’t want to be like everyone else? Sometimes I’m like this. Sometimes it’s trendy sayings that I refuse to use-things like “all the things”, “my littles”, “my bigs”, referring to your child on social media by their first initial instead of their name even though […]


Nursery Inspiration

Baby girl number two for the Reyes’ is here and she’s the reason I am obsessed with the color peach now! This girl nursery is the exact reason I now like orange. If you want to see what this nursery looks like with her inside it, click here! I like to call this the peachy […]


I remember not too long ago when Krystal texted me with a picture she wanted to make sure she got of Beckham. It had a baby laying on the ground and a Minnie Mouse on the ground next to the baby holding its hand. She warned me right before the shoot that lighting may be […]

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