Sweet baby smiles. Sweet baby smell. Sweet baby breath. Sweet baby cuddles. Sweet, sweet baby. I LOVED getting to seeing this little guy for his newborn photos following our fresh 48 session! I can’t believe how much his little facial features have already matured! The ways little babies change so quickly never ceases to amaze […]
Fresh 48 portraits with first time parents at Frisco Baylor Hospital. This new family exuded pride and joy as I photographed the first hours together.
Hi Mama! If you’ve landed on this page, it’s because you are interested in learning how to take your own fresh 48 portraits. As a professional photographer, I think it’s always worth it to hire a professional photographer to capture these memories for you. I believe this for so many reasons, the most important of […]
Baker’s Texas, backyard on the farm 9 month portraits was the most sweaty shoot I have ever done. Ashley and Braxton I think would agree with me. It was SO humid outside. For anyone who doesn’t know, when you take a camera outside where it is humid, it fogs up until it acclimates to the […]
There’s nothing like coming home with a newborn baby. I just LOVE getting to do these in home lifestyle newborn portraits. They are so sweet. I love documenting these first days at home! Lazy days just snuggling baby and spending good quality family time cozying up on the couch. It’s really the best and one […]
After going on vacation right after taking these photos, I am finally able to blog these images from Bria’s Newborn Portrait Session. I just loved her fresh 48 photos (click here to see how beautiful they are), and I just can’t believe how much she changed in a few short days! She already looks so […]
You’re pregnant and expecting your baby! Yay! If you’re anything like me, your mind is whirling about what you need to buy to be ready. One of the things I was most excited to buy was coordinating outfits so that me and my new baby girl would match for all our pictures the first few […]