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Isla’s First Birthday-McKinney, Texas


I can’t believe that Isla’s First Birthday has come and gone!

She had a beautiful party filled with family and friends who love her and cherish her!

I have just LOVED getting to see Isla grow up from this tiny little dark haired infant to a stubborn, do what she wants when she wants, yet nurturing little girl! Although she has just as much hair and it’s just as dark as ever, so much has changed about her! When she smiles, it lights up the room! Her spunky attitude and zest for life brings joy to all of those who love her!

Now that the news is out, I’m excited to add that I’ll get to see her be a nurturing BIG SISTER in real life in a few short months! She’s been practicing how to be the best big sister to her LITTLE SISTER with her little baby dolls! Jennifer says that’s her favorite toy, and I think I know why!


McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

Aren’t these decorations just DARLING?! It was such a quaint and adorable little party with the perfect delicate touches for such a sweet little girl!

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

Of course, we were all there for the cake. Which, can we talk about the BEAUTIFUL cakes that her MOM made her?! Jen makes the most DELICIOUS and BEAUTIFUL cakes!!

To this day, the cake that she made for me when my daughter was born is the BEST chocolate cake I have ever put in my mouth. I’m not sure if it was because I was hungry and on drugs, or if it really was THE. BEST. CAKE. EVER.

I’m 99.9% sure it was because it REALLY was THE. BEST. CAKE. EVER. I will never forget it. haha!

Seriously, though.

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

The smash cake called for an outfit change.

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

Loved by her parents, all her grandparents (here and in heaven), and countless friends, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

And of course, when you have a party for a one year old, all the kids but the kid who is supposed to be opening the presents, are opening the presents.

McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

Isla Ismael, you are a joy. A gift! Your family loves you, your friends love you, and I love you! I have LOVED getting to document your first year of life! I can’t wait to get your 1 year old portraits done to really document the year of growth that you have had! You’re going to do fierce and awesome things in life. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in life!


McKinney Texas Newborn Photographer

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